This page provides general information on hunting practices on our properties. All federal, provincial, and municipal regulations/legislation apply.
ATVs, side by sides, dirt bikes, and vehicles of any kind are prohibited on SVCA property. As provincially appointed offences officers, SVCA staff have the authority to ticket unauthorized vehicles on our land. Walk in access only, per Ontario Regulation R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 133, s.11 (1).
SVCA land includes significant wetlands, forests and river systems. These properties provide essential ecosystems for wildlife, and enable us to support healthy wetlands. Please show respect when visiting our properties.
See our map and list of our properties where hunting is/is not allowed. Please note that GPS coordinates have been provided. These are generally based on access to the property from a main road. The centre point of the property has been used when there is no access from a road. Entering the decimal degrees into a mapping application will take you to the location.
See tract maps of our properties.
Properties where hunting IS permitted: |
Properties where hunting is NOT permitted: |
Properties where hunting of waterfowl is NOT permitted: |
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